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Je Ressens De La Honte Pour La Jamaïque.


Chère Myrtha,

Je suis ravi d'avoir enfin obtenu votre adresse e-mail inoubliable.

Je ressens de la honte pour la Jamaïque.

Nous ne sommes pas tous aussi ignorants et insensibles que certains responsables qui agissent en notre nom. C'est pourquoi j'ai rédigé ce qui suit pour le journal The Gleaner :

1804 is such a pregnant year for all black people especially for us the descendants of slaves in these Antilles. Thank you Gleaner and Myrtha for bringing it back into our focus with even Mrs. Desulme's thought-provoking email address.

For starters, the Ministers in the Government of Jamaica, who are not from Portland Maroons and who were not taught history by the late Bajan PM Sandiford or French by the exemplary Haitian teacher Mlle Paule Pierre-Louis at KC or wisely treated for life-threatening aspirin poisoning by Dr. Magalie Saint-Lot in Haiti, here goes:

The year 1804 holds immense significance in the history of Haiti, marking several major milestones:

1.0 Haitian Independence: The most important event of 1804 was undoubtedly the declaration ofHaitian independence on January 1st. This marked the culmination of the Haitian Revolution, a 13-year long struggle against French colonial rule and slavery. The independence not only liberated the people of Haiti but also became a beacon of hope for enslaved individuals across the world.

2.0 End of the Largest Slave Revolt: The Haitian Revolution was the largest and most successful slave revolt in history. It resulted in the complete overthrow of French colonial authority and the establishment of an independent nation governed by former slaves. This event profoundly challenged the legitimacy of slavery and its place in the global order.

3.0 Birth of a Free Black Republic: With the declaration of independence, Haiti became the first free black republic in the world. This challenged the prevailing racial hierarchies of the time and demonstrated that black people could govern themselves effectively. Haiti's independence inspired countless others throughout the Americas and beyond to fight for their own freedom from slavery and colonialism.

4.0 Legacy of Jean-Jacques Dessalines: Jean-Jacques Dessalines, a former slave and revolutionary leader, played a pivotal role in the Haitian Revolution and became the first ruler of the newly independent Haiti. His leadership and vision continue to inspire generations of Haitians and people around the world fighting for freedom and equality.

5. Complexities and Controversies: The Haitian Revolution and its aftermath were complex events marked by both heroism and brutality. The 1804 massacre of the remaining white population of Haiti remains a source of debate and controversy. Despite the complexities, the significance of 1804 cannot be denied.

In summary, 1804 represents a pivotal moment in Haitian history, marking the country's independence, the end of slavery, and the establishment of the world's first free black republic. Its legacy continues to resonate today, serving as a reminder of the struggles for freedom and the fight against oppression.

Sir Alexander, his Cousin Norman Manley and Uncle Eddie must be angrily turning in their graves every time any Minister advises or orders the refoulement of Haitian refugees by day or by night from Jamaican soil.Remember Psalm 1:1, from the Bible about sitting in the seat of the scornful or scoffers.And remember, Haitians are brilliant black people with loooong memories and a proud tradition. They are, by far, the largest CARICOM population. I wonder what Haiti will repay Jamaica, when its time for "Hatian Revenge". Remarquez la pertinence de la colonne de Mme Desulme rédigée dans sa deuxième langue sur cette question simple de justice et de droits aux mains de Jamaïquains incroyablement et nouvellement(?) racistes et double-jeu.


Merci, M. Minott. Je ne savais pas que vous parliez si bien le français!

Thank you for your feedback and support, and for your great Gleaner article calling out the government's mistreatment of the Refugees.

Was your wonderful synopsis of Haiti's glorious history published by the Gleaner? There's only one point I wish to make though. You say that the Haitian Revolution and its aftermath were complex events marked by both heroism and brutality due to the massacre of the remaining white population. But genocide is the essence of the colonial project from the extermination of the Ameridians throughout the hemisphere, to the centuries of slaughter and enslavement of Africans, from the 15th century all the way down to the Apartheid projects in South Africa and Rhodesia, to the massacre of the Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand, who to this day are still not formally recognised, to the televised genocide that we are watching today being perpetrated against the Palestinians in Gaza. I therefore do not believe that it is necessary to indulge in the both-sideism of having to include the massacre of the remaining white population of Haiti as a mark of brutality on the part of the Haitian revolutionaries who were simply trying to rid the island of the tormentors who had slaughtered, enslaved, and perpetrated the worst atrocities known to man against millions of Africans in St Domingue for 3 centuries before that. There is no comparison between what the Haitians did in the throes of war and the cold-blooded cruelty they endured for centuries in times of peace. And let's not forget that hundreds of thousands of Haitians were also killed in the war. But they knew that as long as whites remained in the colony, that they would never have a moment of peace, and we are witnessing today how correct they were on that count. I know, however, that white historians like to use that point to tarnish the heroism of Dessalines, and thereby Haiti.

In any case, thank you for your support, and your sense of history, especially given that 2024 will be the 220th anniversary  of Haiti's independence!

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